Women's Faith Connection
Every 2nd & 4th Monday from 6:30-7:45pm
Please join us for an opportunity to strengthen our relationship to God and each other. We will gather twice each month to visit & share life's joys & challenges, pray together, & deepen our knowledge of who God is by focusing on one Name or attribute of God each time we meet. You don't have to commit to attend every time - just come as you are able...and see what JOY it is to connect with other women over a shared love of Jesus!
Women's Prayer & Purpose Breakfast
Saturday, February 22 9:30-11am
ALL women and youth girls (age 11+) are invited to join us for this special gathering. We'll have a speaker, Amy Charpentier, who volunteers with African Missions for Christ. She will share about their ongoing work to provide feminine hygiene kits & training for village school girls in Africa. As usual, we'll spend precious time in prayer together with a focus on global missions. A light breakfast will be provided: breads/pastries, fruit, juice, water & coffee. No RSVP needed. Please come & invite your daughters, sisters, nieces and friends!